Which famous architects designed buildings located in what is now known as illinois during its history?

Share “Frank Lloyd Wright's Illinois” Known as the “Prairie style”, Wright's innovative ideas sparked a revolution in design and turned the Chicago area into an epicenter of the pioneering architecture that exists to this day. During his lifetime, Wright designed more than 1,000 structures, 532 of which were completed.

Getty's tomb is said to be the most important piece of architecture in Graceland Cemetery and the beginning of Sullivan's involvement in the architectural style known as the Chicago School.

Wright's Winslow House, from 1893, was already a synthesis of the practical with the beautiful in home construction. Instead, the building is covered with grey-green terracotta slabs bordered with typical Sullivan border designs.

It was built as the Palace of Fine Arts for the 1893 World's Fair and is the only surviving building in the “White City” of Burnham. Today, you can tour the historic architecture and picturesque neighborhoods where the World's Fair and the Chicago Plan endure. The building stands out for its steel-framed structure, which allowed the area of windows created by windows throughout the bay to be dramatically increased, which in turn allowed the greatest amount of natural light to enter the interior of the building. Finally, in the living room there was a table lamp designed by Wright with an artistic glass shade on a library table designed by Wright.

The fireplace, which contains four fireplaces, one in the billiard room, the games room, the living room and the master bedroom, and the main staircase from the entrance hall to the living and dining rooms on the second floor, rise through the center of the house, from where the rest of the building radiates. Robie's house and name were immortalized in Ernst Wasmuth's famous 1910 publication Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright (Completed Buildings and Projects by Frank Lloyd Wright, a). Interpreting traditional styles from a contemporary perspective allowed Sullivan to create what he expected to be considered one of the most unique and poetic buildings in the country. Navy Pier was an important part of Burnham's plan to redesign the city and connect the people of Chicago to the lakefront.

So much so, that even at the extremes of modern cubist architecture, the cigar box covered in cold cream, dates back to the influence of Wright's Robie House. Unlike its heavy, block-filled counterparts of the time, this window-covered building, with its thin bands of creamy terracotta, almost seemed to defy gravity. Built between 1889 and 1891, the Monadnock Building is as heavy as it looks; in fact, it is the last of Chicago's great masonry skyscrapers. The pool tables and the games room overlook a small corridor and doors near the center of the building that lead to an enclosed garden on the south side of the building.

Jeanine Bleacher
Jeanine Bleacher

Lifelong tv ninja. Proud tv evangelist. Total zombie fanatic. Zombie scholar. Subtly charming bacon scholar.

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